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Hale Habitat & Seed

Eagle Seed - Big Fellow® Forage Soybean

Eagle Seed - Big Fellow® Forage Soybean

Regular price $139.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $139.00 USD
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An extremely tall, large leafed, glyphosate tolerant forage variety. During its numerous university trials, it was found to be taller, provide more tonnage, more browse resistance, more protein, and more drought tolerance than other soybeans marketed for food plots, hay or silage. It is also later than competitor's varieties giving you an advantage on body weight and antler size. When plants stay greener longer, you continue to feed the green leaves late in the fall, when deer are actively building mass.

Deer simply prefer greener plants and Big Fellow® and Large Lad® can last 4-8 weeks longer. Big Fellow® is part of the blends GameKeeper® and Wildlife Manager's Mix®.

Eagle Soybean Planting Guide

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